Autumn - Meridian Medicine Workshop

A Journey through the Lung & Large Intestine Meridians

When & Where

Saturday 27th of April 

10: 30am  - 2: 30 pm 

@ Emergence Yoga Kiama - 

42 Terralong St, Kiama NSW 2533

Autumn is upon us.

 As the wheel of the year shifts again. We find ourselves right in a magical and pivotal point. Autumn is the transition between the active Yang Summer seasons, and the most passive season of Winter. 

This pivotal point invites us to draw our energy inwards.

The nourishing essence of Yin, invites us to pause and take time for self reflection - yet also encourages us to transform and let go of all that no longer serves us. 

Autumn is closely related to the elements of Air and Metal. We see this reflected in nurture through the winds of change.. which allow leaves to fall. 

The medicine of Autumn brings in the winds of change - which facilitate and invite us to ‘release’ and ‘let go’ of things that no longer serve us. 

We can also experience this direct correlation within our own physical bodies, as the Lungs and Large Intestine organs and Meridians are at their peak, working symbiotically with nature through the rhythm of the breath of (Inspiration) -  and releasing with the (exhale) and also the release through Large Intestine (The bowels) 

This dynamic and experiential workshop is designed to guide you on a journey of discovery and self-healing through our Meridian System. 

This workshop will guide you through the medicine and self care practices that are aligned with Autumn, and the Lung and Large Intestine organs & Meridians. 

I will be sharing with you many practices that can help support these processes. This potent time presents the opportunity to evaluate and release what no longer serves you. That could mean, emotions, outdated self beliefs, old ways of being. This is the perfect time for “ out with the old, in with the new”. The Lungs also remind us that with every new breath we take, we invite in new inspiration.  

You will have the opportunity to begin to heal and transcend old hurts and wounds, learn tools and tips how release grief and pain, whether that be old or new…  learn how to surrender, let go and release, then how to welcome in the new. 

The only constant on life is change! The more we can open and surrender to this natural process. The more we free ourselves from these restrictions and distortions - which invite us to live more harmoniously in all aspects of our life. 

Lets surrender to this natural occurring force, and be open to allow the winds of change to create space for the medicine of Autumn to flow freely into these channels and sync in resonance with the energy of surrender! 

What is involved?

In this workshop, Renee will share with you metaphysical principles and the eastern philosophy of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) to explore holistic health and healing through the influence of nature and our meridian system (energy channels). Nature shares with us unique gifts, lessons and medicine with each of her seasons.

Renee will guide you through the teachings and practices on how to call upon and draw upon the medicine of Autumn, and what will best support these Meridians during this time . This workshop has been structured to work progressively through first honing in on the denser, physical level, then transitioning through the emotional, followed by the mental, and finally the finer energy of our spiritual self.

In a safe and encouraging way, you will be guided through these layers, working with different practices - starting with the most energetically dense onwards, providing a tangible platform from which to gain momentum, and will organically amplify the ripples of change through to permeate the intangible layers of self. So, while we are working to shift and clear distortions systematically, we will also be working systemically; with each level influencing the whole. 

We will be drawing upon modalities such as:

- Acutonics

- Acupressure/Acupuncture (press tacks)

- Guided Meditation/ Shamanic Journeying 

- Shamanic Sound Journeys ( Drum and Rattle )

  • Qigong

  • Journal Work/Self inquiry processes

  • Group sharing

What to bring?

- Please wear loose fitted clothing, with easy access to arms and legs (To apply acupuncture press tacks)

- Feel free to BYO yoga mat and cushion. However we do have mats available at the studio

- Notebook and pen

- Water bottle

- Lunch and snack